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Ines P. Alicea

I am an award-winning journalist with nearly 30 years of experience helping domestic and international organizations produce stellar publications and public relations campaigns.


A force of nature with a reach for the stars attitude.


Diplomatic. Organized. Resourceful.
Goal-oriented. Quick Learner. Flexible.
Strategic Communications 
Guide organizations on how to boost outreach and fundraising through newsletters, social media, media analytics and press releases.
Excellent research and reporting skills, quickly gaining trust and showing empathy to those interviewed. Strong, clear and detailed reporting.
Produce thorough, well-edited pieces with accompanying photos; under deadline every time.

Provide simultaneous and consecutive Spanish interpretation services.

Create Spanish to English and English to Spanish translations of complicated text.
Snap photos for many freelance projects. Subbed as photo editor at Catholic News Service.
Bring energy and new life to projects. Take a natural leadership role in teams, effectively utilizing team's abilities and strengths, giving clear guidance, instruction, encouragement  and support to team members and finding resources to get a job done. 
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